Ricardo Ribeiro


Portfolio and Personal Blog of a Computer and Telematics Engineer in Training

About me

My name is Ricardo Ribeiro and I am a twenty-three year's old student taking a master degree in Computer and Telematics Engineering in University of Aveiro, Portugal. For complete details about my experience in developing software, please check my portfolio.

Quick Facts

Programming Languages
Proficient in: Java (SE, EE, Android), Python, SQL, C#, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML
Experience: C, C++, Asp.net Razor, UML, Objective C, Java ME, Tex, Bash, Json, Assembly
Software & OS experience
Proficient in: Netbeans, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Sublime, Photoshop
Experience: XCode, GNS3,Unix Command line
Other Relevant Experience
Experience: Networking (using Cisco routers)
Spoken Languages
Proficient in: Portuguese, English
Other details about me
Interests: Web & Mobile Development, Multi-modal interaction systems, networks, web design, photography
Pers. Email: ribeiroct@gmail.com
Univ. Email: ribeiro.r@ua.pt